Sunday, July 10, 2005

Let the adda begin!

Hello world!

We are an eccentric and sanguine group of Bongs at the Dept of Computer Science at Rice.

I say eccentric, for lack of a better term. In a more innocent place and time, we would have preferred the term queer (at least one of us would :) and possibly, gay. Unfortunately, like so many other components of our vocabulary, our favourite words have ascended to rainbow heights, rendering them somewhat unreachable to us mere straight-forward mortals.

We, as our mutated Bong DNA compels us, have three fundamental needs: food, drink, and procrastination. And what better way to fulfill those needs than the Adda, the most important contribution of Bong culture to the world of philosophy?

So let the discussions flow!

Raj, Santa, Amit, Anirban, Apan


Blogger technophobicgeek said...

Refers to an email that Santa sent out on ISAR a few months ago, referring to us (himself, me, amit, anirban, anupam etc) as a queer group of bongs. This was before he was enlightened :)

I think I'll have to make you an administrator if I want to let you edit other's posts.

4:41 AM  
Blogger Abdullah M. Khan said...

I guys, I am from Bangladesh. Currently doing phd in econ at gsu.
I like Tagore, Amartya Sen, and Bong Adda.
I liked your idea of Bonglomeration.
Keep the tradition alive!

2:14 PM  

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